St. Charles Convention Center.  The Convention Center was constructed as a partnership between the St. Charles County Convention and Sports Facilities Authority and the City of St. Charles. Guinness & Buehler serves as counsel to the St. Charles County Convention and Sports Facilities Authority.


Credit:  Global Spectrum
Link: St. Charles Convention Center





St. Charles County Government Office Building housing the Recorder of Deeds, Assessor, Collector, as well as the County Highway and Planning departments. 

Credit:  © Robert Guinness 2006

Link:  County of St. Charles




St. Charles was the territorial capitol of Missouri, and the first state capitol when Missouri became a State in 1821.  In 1826, the state capitol was moved from St. Charles to its permanent location in Jefferson City.  The State of Missouri bought the First Capitol buildings in 1961 and eventually renovated them, along with other buildings, into a State Historic Site.  Visitors can see the recreated legislature meeting rooms and the governor’s office as they existed in 1821.

Link: Missouri State Parks - First State Capitol




    © Guinness & Buehler, LLC 2006 & 2008